Source code for paperswithcode.models.paper

from datetime import date
from typing import Optional, List

from tea_client.models import TeaClientModel

from import Page

[docs]class Paper(TeaClientModel): """Paper object. Attributes: id (str): Paper ID. arxiv_id (str, optional): ArXiv ID. nips_id (str, optional): NIPS Conference ID. url_abs (str): URL to the paper abstract. url_pdf (str): URL to the paper PDF. title (str): Paper title. abstract (str): Paper abstract. authors (List[str]): List of paper authors. published (date, optional): Paper publication date. conference (str, optional): ID of the conference in which the paper was published. conference_url_abs (str, optional): URL to the conference paper page. conference_url_pdf (str, optional): URL to the conference paper PDF. proceeding (str, optional): ID of the conference proceeding in which the paper was published. """ id: str arxiv_id: Optional[str] nips_id: Optional[str] url_abs: str url_pdf: str title: str abstract: str authors: List[str] published: Optional[date] conference: Optional[str] conference_url_abs: Optional[str] conference_url_pdf: Optional[str] proceeding: Optional[str]
[docs]class Papers(Page): """Object representing a paginated page of papers. Attributes: count (int): Number of elements matching the query. next_page (int, optional): Number of the next page. previous_page (int, optional): Number of the previous page. results (List[Paper]): List of papers on this page. """ results: List[Paper]